
"We not only offer a database application, but also technology-enabled management consultancy services in every aspect of the industry."
Sales Management

Sales Management

It allows you to instantly track all sales, returns, prices and discounts of stores.

Provides live stock tracking.

It allows analysis of sales and returns and creates a demand schedule.

Sales tracking ensures efficient and accurate growth of the business.

Stock Management

Stock Management

It facilitates correct stock management and allows you to take precautions against demands.
Financial predictability is ensured thanks to active stock management.
Additional costs on procurement and sales are reduced.
Product losses are minimized.

Production and Supply Process Management

Production and Supply Process Management

Instant tracking of orders received or given to suppliers.
Detailed information of products in production.
Production cost reports.

Cost Management

Cost Management

Detailed cost analyzes related to the field of activity.
Tracking all costs from production to sales.
Detailed cost calculations of products produced or supplied.
Bid data.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer information active database.
Detailed purchase and return histories.
Financial histories.

Detailed Reports

Detailed Reports

All reporting that may be needed to manage businesses more profitably, healthily and completely.

Accounting and Finance Transactions

Accounting and Finance Transactions

Recording of all financial transactions.
Income and expense statements and analysis.
Invoice tracking.
Bank and cash account transactions.
Collections and payments.

Product Label and Barcode Transactions

Product Label and Barcode Transactions

Existing or new labeling processes so that all movements of the products can be tracked digitally.